Term: 2024 - 2027

STEM clusters are a central funding measure of the STEM Action Plan of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). In a STEM cluster, stakeholders from education, science, civil society, business and the municipal sector join forces to strengthen the STEM education landscape in their region, in particular through low-threshold, everyday and regular STEM education programs for children and young people. The aim is for them to explore their interests, expand their skills, experience self-efficacy and develop career prospects through practical and participatory formats.

Under the leadership of the University of Rostock, the NORDMINKT cluster focuses on developing extracurricular STEM programs for children and young people with a migration background as well as for girls and young women. Specifically, the aim is to support children and young people in researching, learning and designing digital games about people and nature and to introduce them to STEM topics. Participants are also supported in their professional orientation.